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Flow and let yourself go: Tips from a teacher

2021-03-02 15:43   Pepps 0 Likes   Speech_bubble 0 Comments   Images 0 Images Small_addthisShare
How can I deal with the daily stumbles? We get up to work at EssayMap.org with a lot of enthusiasm, motivation, and energy, but there are stumbling blocks that as the day goes by, consume our positive energies, and little by little we turn them into negative ones. We have so many situations, some complicated and others insignificant, that we do not know how to face and solve. Next, I share my advice in this type of situation and I open the space for you to also share your frustrations with us.

We have family, health, and personal commitments. We plan to go out at a particular time, but suddenly they tell us that we have a meeting that deserves our presence, that we cannot miss. We have visits from parents, teachers, or a last-minute situation. So, our body does not respond positively but creates a tension that from the moment we do not say it, we block the mind, heart, and body.

It is still early and we do not know how to channel the situation. We do not want to look bad at work, or with our external commitments, and that is when the wonderful class we prepare gets out of control, gets disoriented, and loses its structure. We transmit insecurity, discouragement and we only think about how we do to comply with everything. We only have the departure time in mind and our entire system goes into chaos.

What do we do? How can we solve these situations without anyone being affected? Let's put everything on a scale and be honest with the people around us. Let's look for alternatives to dialogue and find solutions.

Tips to face your day-to-day situations
Don't let a stumble over a stone damage an instant of your daily time. Enjoy every moment from the moment you wake up and transmit a smile, love, and positive energy to everyone around you. Communicate and plan how to resolve situations so that we can ensure that no one is affected. Don't try to figure things out in a hurry: think, reflect, and stay calm. Make a fair and courageous decision.

Teachers are human, but we are an example for our students. Value your profession and even if no one sees it, let it be you who sees the reflection of a unique, authentic, innovative teacher that everyone will remember forever. The stumbles of your life are the new footprints that you will always take wherever you go. A teacher without stumbling is a teacher without experience.

Don't stop, master! You are a model of life! When it flows, the body goes towards the direction that the wind takes you, without pain, without anguish, without limitations, without anxieties, without worries, without torments. One body, one weight. Use your breath in the process of solving situations and demonstrate control of all parts of your body.

Flow And Let Yourself Go! Share With Us How You Handle The Obstacles Of Daily Life, You Are Not Alone.


How to prepare a space for study?

2021-02-03 13:41   Pepps 0 Likes   Speech_bubble 0 Comments   Images 0 Images Small_addthisShare
Being successful in studies is not only about combining good techniques, being motivated, focused, and paying attention or an opportunity to buy essay, if we think carefully we will specify that it is a whole set of aspects and situations to consider, among which the environment or space and its conditioning stand out.

Depending on how your study space is, your academic performance will be, since environmental factors and the place we choose to develop this activity is defining. Not all sites are conducive to study and when anyone seems appropriate you are underestimating this aspect. Hasn't it happened to you that on public transport you meet a young woman memorizing the notes in her notebook?

What opinion do you deserve? Do you think that it is orderly, quiet, it is comfortable, and also enjoys privacy? Not true and this is because we must have an enclosure, an ideal space for learning, which must have lighting, silence, good temperature, ventilation, and away from distractions elements.

Just as we must organize our ideas and notes, it also corresponds to us to do so with the environment where we decide to locate ourselves. Here are the steps to follow to have a study space according to our demands:

The place of study:

  • It can be a library or a study room. Always choose the same place, that is, establish a fixed space, one that alerts the brain and sends the message to study!

  • Keep it clean and tidy.

  • Arrange in this only what you need to study, a desk, a file, a shelf, and a good chair.

  • Remove visual and auditory distractions from this location.

The lighting:
The ideal is natural light, but it is very difficult to have this, so let's use artificial, white.
Ventilation and temperature:

If the environment is very cold then it will make us uncomfortable with the cooling of the body, which may cause frequent going to the bathroom and interrupting our study schedule. It can also cause fatigue and respiratory discomfort.
On the contrary, if the air does not circulate, it will give us fatigue, tiredness, and a lot of desire to sleep.

Body posture:

The ideal is to study sitting in a chair next to the table or desk, as this posture will keep us attentive, active, and upright because our back remains straight. Both legs should form a right angle and the feet should support the ground or floor. Place your forearms on the table for support and rock your head and upper back slightly forward.

This aspect is important because it will prevent you from suffering injuries, cramping or falling asleep. There are students who tend to carry out their assignments in bed, read lying in an armchair or hanging from a hammock or hammock, discard them because they do not favor learning.

Between your eyes and the text, there should be a distance of 30 cms. Keep your eyes perpendicular.

Final thoughts:

Avoid studying eating and drinking caffeinated beverages, on the contrary, have a glass of water with you.

The ideal height of the table should be in relation to the height of the chair.

Let's avoid using too comfortable chairs, as they will end up making us sleepy. Neither are those with whom you get distracted by graduating their height ... "in a seesaw."

If among your furniture you have a shelf that its use is to store things with certain criteria that allows you to find them again and thus avoid leaving them scattered throughout the house and wasting time searching when they are needed.