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adinastains Link Blog

KvinnaAdina Stains, 45year

adinastains's Blog

Thursday and feeling motivated! :)

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Well I just started this shapelink.  My husband is a gym guru and has been searching EVERYWHERE for a site like this and after checking it out over his shoulder figured out it would be ideal for me to log my workouts.  I had a baby 18 months ago and had gotten very lazy over my weight...but have decided that it's time to change....I was a health freak when I was younger and had a great body...but laziness has taken over and my body is proof of that! :)

Note to self:  When looking back it will look as though there has been no working out from June 12th to August 29th however I just started the site on the 29th and don't feel like going back to edit workouts.  I have lost 9 pounds since the starting date.  I entered my beginning weight so that my graphs show my true weight. 

Written 874 weeks ago