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danielfrilans Link Blog

ManDaniel Becker, 51year , Vaxholm, Sweden


Löpning, sim, yoga och massa ultra i terrängen

Världens tuffaste lopp? Death Valley....

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Hittade lite kul info om ett av det hårdast loppen i USA och kanske världen. Har läst om Bart Yassos försök i detta race i hans bok "My life on the run" som jag nänmt tidigare. Kika in denna instruktion. Klart galet!!! 


Finishing Badwater (anyone). Plain and simple, Badwater is the toughest endurance run in the word. Each year, approximately 70 people attempt to run 135 miles from Bad Water, Death Valley to the portals of Mt. Whitney. In case you're not familiar with Badwater or Mt. Whitney, Badwater is the lowest place in the Western Hemisphere and Mt. Whitney is the highest point in the contiguous United States. Basically you're running from the lowest place in the U.S. to the highest. In addition to the 13,000 feet worth of ascent, there are the 130°F (55°C) temperatures to deal with. Participants are forced to run on the white lines on the side of the road to keep the soles of their shoes from melting and a heat suit to keep them from frying in the sun. The winner from the last two years has finished in the 24-25 hour range but the average finish time is in the 35 hour range. My first question was "How in the world does someone train for this type of event?" Luckily for me they have a training guide on the Badwater homepage. Here are a few examples of training recommendations I picked off the site:

(1) - HEAT is the main nemesis, acclimate your body NOW!! Start using a sauna on your EXPOSED body. Do not wear any protective clothing.

(2) - ENDURANCE is very slow to develop. Set a target of being able to WALK, ONLY, at 20-30 minute per mile pace, NON STOP (NO SLEEP) for 24-30 hours. Do not exceed this pace, nor train in this way more than once a week.

Länk: http://www.elitefeet.com/the-7-ultimate-achievements-in-endurance-running
Written 676 weeks ago
49441 676 weeks ago


Jag tycker han (Martin Strel) som simmade hela amazonas var rätt grym också. Han fick andra graders brännskador i ansiktet redan andra dagen.
62691 676 weeks ago


Tokgit.. jag som tyckte att Leadville 100 - dvs 100 miles med 15600 höjdfeet var hardcore, men det här verkar onekligen några resor värre. Lite färre höjdmeter, men värmen kompenserar nog mer än väl för det. Bästa tiden på Leadville är drygt 15h, så det säger nog en del om effekten av värmen.

1d57978b05731eacef7c264b35db5d6b8d474ea3da8c35986d653488ae2b16d3 675 weeks ago


Martin Strels erövringar är enorma. Jag respekterar honom djupt, snacka om tvetydig personlighet. Hans simexperiment är dock något helt annat än en tävling. Death valley är en löpartävling som flertalet ställt upp i år efter år. Erik Leadville låter spännande. Själv tänkte jag ställa upp i Swedish alpine ultra 9 juli. 110 km fjälllöpning det blir maxat. länk: http://www.swedishalpineultra.se/