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emlbaker Link Blog

ManMark Baker, 46Años, Perth, Australia

emlbaker's Blog

Training Progress one week

Well, after one week of Kettlebell training mixed with some cardio I am feeling good. Some early bruising to my bideps and the tops of my wrists early on was a slight set back. The weather over here in Perth, Australia has been in the high 30 low 40 degrees celcius for the past week so the kettlebells have been hard to control during the jerks and snatches, hence the sore arms.

I have been amazed at how much of a workout these things give the body. After a heavy work out the other day (about 38C outside) I managed to cramp in the glute. WOW, it felt as though someone was stabbing my butt with a knife.

I am concentrating on gaining good form and increasing strength prior to moving onto some of the more technical and dangerous skills of the sport. Thus far, I have been using three to four different workouts followed by some light to mid cardio either running or riding and have noticed in my figures that my strength and conditioning is already starting to improve.


Written 853 weeks ago
82e91bd6ad4c2f28bd447eb7947401df53490edd5206741c0223bd36a003f0bd 852 weeks ago


30-40 C :). I gave up going to the gym yesterday. First snow of the year in form of a blizzard drained all my motivation. We both seem to have problem with the temperature but at different ends of the scale ;)
10 852 weeks ago


Yeah, I think that I would prefer the heat to the blizzard there Rex. It is good for sweating it out anyway, especially after all the Xmas feasting.
19982 850 weeks ago


rex I live in australia ,what is kettlebell? cheers lumpy