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emlbaker Link Blog

ManMark Baker, 46Años, Perth, Australia

emlbaker's Blog

Kettlebell Training to the Extreme

Hi all,

 Second Blog post for me and an interesting one to show the members here who have not had much to do with or may not have heard of Kettlebells. I was searching through YouTube for some instructional videos on Kettlebells when I stumbled across the following video.


This guy presses a 200lbs Kettlebell for 7 reps. Read the comments below that dispute the weight of this kettlebell.

At present I am only working out with a 16kg Kettlebell and trust me, from someone who is just getting into weight training, a 16kg Kettlebell is so much different to hand than a dumbell with 16kgs sitting on it. Each workout is extreme, causing you to ache in places you didn't know you had.

I am really enjoying my Kettlebell Training, and I hope to keep it up for a long time, keeping track of my achievements on this site.

Thanks for reading my blog.


Written 853 weeks ago