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maxm007 Link Blog

ManMax Hillaert, 43year , London, United Kingdom

maxm007's Blog

Six pack for Spring 2008

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In January 2007 I decided to act on a promise I made jokingly to my girlfriend that I would have a six pack by the Summer. I had always done some exercise like weight lifting , but I had never taken fat burning seriously. I was more into building mass , I did not care about fat at all.

Basically like most office people I would sit my ass down all day , would eat 2 large carb rich meals a day and hit the pub way to many times. 2 or 3 times a week I would go lift some weight to "get big". I had some muscle and I wouldn't have called me fat , but I definitly had a gut.

I read a body building book about fat burning , bought a fat meter and started logging my progress. This totally changed my workout to one that was focused on cardio as primarily and weight lifting as secondary. To cut a long story short , in January I measured 16% body fat. By the summer I was 9%. I almost halved my fat percentage without losing weight.

Unfortunately for my body type that still wasn't enough to show my abs. My top ones where showing slightly . but I had not reached my goal. There was more gut to burn! Then I went on holliday , moved house . , started a new job , started smoking/drinking again. You know the deal , no exercise and bad lifestyle for 8 weeks and you are have the fitness level of a 70 year old again. Luckily , I have watched my diet and I'm still between 11 - 12%.

So here is my goal: Spring 2008 , I will get to the fat percentage level needed to show all my abs and give my girlfriend something to use for the washing. I suspect it to be around 7% , so that is 3 - 4kg of fat to lose. That should be very doable.

Written 863 weeks ago
16133 863 weeks ago


Good luck to you. I had a similar goal this summer and your story sounds SO familiar to me. I was at 220 lbs early this year. I also had a goal of seeing my abs by this past summer. So I started running and eating 5-6 small meals a day instead of the "standard" 3. I also went low carb (or at the very least, ate my carbs in the morning). I have worked my way up to running about 4.5 miles a day and am now holding at 175. I honestly didn't think I had that much weight to lose, but here I am. I can see my upper abs well. .lower abs are close. I didn't meet my goal per say, but I'm happy with my progress. I still would like ao lose a little more to see my bottom abs, but if I can't get those extra few pounds off.. that's fine with me. I wish you well.
No_small_image 863 weeks ago


hi thanks for the comment and congrats on the loss.
I want to revamp my weight lifting routine. The last couple of months of training I combined a 3 day split weight lifting routine with a daily cardio routine.
How would you describe your weight lifting routine? How did you combine it with your cardio?